As soon as this very pretty floral Alison Glass fabric arrived in store I just knew I wanted to stitch on it. I had seen Embroidered Letters before so I started with that idea. I thought I would share my process with you. This method could be adapted for many other shapes.
The first decision to make was the Font. I chose Calibrae as it is very rounded and would make stitching the outside easier. Next was the size of the Font. It ended up being size 600 as I wanted a very specific size to fit into my brass and glass frame (available instore!). This was done on Microsoft Word.
We have a product from the Gypsy Quilter which is Applique Freezer Paper. You can put this into your printer and print on it. I cut the B (for Bowerbird) out and ironed it onto a piece of felt.
I then cut round the B shape and reused the shape for the piece of fabric as well. I actually made a pink version as well so it was well used!
The next step was to glue the fabric to the felt. I used a Sewline fabric glue pen. Then I stitched away. I couched Gimp around the outside first to give a framework and then I got to work on the flowers using a combination of French Knots, Backstitch, Lazy Daisy, and Straight Stitch. Nothing too complicated.
I hope you enjoyed the Tutorial!