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Books & Patterns
- All products
- 10 Years Of Magic Quilt Pattern
- 10" Square Quilt Pattern
- 100 Essential Embroidery Stitches
- 124
- 241 Tote Pattern
- 318 Patchwork Patterns
- 5" Squares Pattern
- A Fine Tradition 2
- a place for everything 2.0
- A place for everything 2.0 pattern
- Abilene
- Adventures in Improv Quilts
- Alchemy
- Alchemy Pattern and Complete Paper Piece Pack
- Alice Caroline
- Alice Makabe
- Alice's Wonderland Sampler Quilt
- Alison Glass
- Alison Reid
- All The Things Tote
- Alston Reversible Jacket
- Alysn Midge-Marsden
- Amalie
- Amanda Niederhauser
- Amy Kallissa
- Aneela Hoey
- Animals
- Anna Graham
- applique
- applique quilt
- Arcade Game Quilt Pattern
- Aristotle the Axolotl
- Arounna Khounnoraj
- Art & Craft
- art book
- Art Journal
- Artful Botanical Embroidery
- August Stars
- Aunties Two
- Aunties Two Patterns
- Aurelia Wolf
- Ayako Otsuka
- Baby Bunny
- Back Pack
- Backyard Party Quilt
- bag
- Bag Hardware
- bag pattern
- Bag Stays Size E
- bag supplies
- Ballerina Quilt Pattern
- Basic Black
- Bauble Clasp Purse Kit
- Beach Ball Pattern
- bear
- Beautiful Botanical Embroidery
- Becca Bags
- Bee-utiful
- Bee-utiful Pattern
- Bespoke Blazer
- Best Buds
- Betty Barnden
- Big Embroidery
- Big Katahdin Tote
- Bird & Bloom Needle Case
- Birds Eye View
- Birds Eye View Quilt Pattern
- Birds in the Park
- Birdsong
- Black Mountain Needleworks
- Blue Bird Yellow Bird
- Blue Kitchen
- Bohemian Daisies
- Bondi Top
- Bondi Top Extension Pack
- book
- Bookhou
- books
- books & patterns
- Boomerang Quilt Pattern
- boro
- Botanical Dyes
- Botanists Cabinet
- Bouquet & Birds
- Bubblegum Sampler
- Bugs and Beetles
- Butterfly Quilt
- Buttons the Best Dressed Bear
- By Annie
- By Annie Pattern
- By Annie's
- by
- C&T Publishing
- Camille Soulayrol
- Campfire Messenger Bag
- Candy Dish Pillow Pattern
- Canna Blossom Pincushion
- Canna Blossom Pincushion Pattern
- Caravan Tote and Pouch
- Card Deck
- Carl Hentsch
- Carry Me Tube Frame Case
- Cartwheels Sampler
- cat toy
- Cats at work
- charm squares
- Chirp
- Chopsticks Quilt Pattern
- Chris Norrington
- christmas book
- Cindy Grisdela
- Cinnamon Bun Quilt Pattern
- City Bags Uptown
- Claire Westwood
- Clam up
- Clam Up pattern
- clamshell
- Clamshell Quilt
- Clamshell Quilt Pattern & Template
- Clarissa
- Classic Coin Purse Kit
- Clover Sunshine Needle Book
- collage
- collage pattern
- Color Wheel
- Color Wheel Sampler
- Colourful Sashiko
- Compass Bag
- Contain Yourself
- Contemporary Patchwork
- Cookie Cutter Quilt Pattern
- cork fabric
- Corrine Lappiere
- cow
- Cozy Cabin
- Create With Cork Fabric
- Creative Abstract Watercolour
- Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery
- creative stitching
- cricut
- Crimson Tweed Book
- crochet
- Crochet Collage Garden
- Cross Stitch
- Cross Stitch Alphabets
- Cross Stitch For The Heart
- Crumb Quilts
- Cut It Out
- Cut Loose Press
- cyanotype
- Cyanotype Workshop
- Dachshund Pattern
- Daisy Hexies
- Daisy Hexies Pattern
- David & Charles
- Daybreak Quilt Pattern
- Debbie Shore
- decorative patterns
- Delight Quilt Pattern
- Digger & Dixie Dachshund
- Diggles the Dragon
- Digital Die-Cutting
- Dinosaurs Quilt Pattern
- Disco Nap
- Disco Quilt Pattern
- Distinctly Dylusional - A Guide to Art Journaling
- Ditty Bags 2.0
- Divide & Conquer
- Divide & Conquer Pattern
- DMC Cross Stitch Book
- DMC Eco Vita Raffia
- DMC Eco Vita Raffia Book
- DMC Traditional Embroidery & Cross Stitch
- Dog In The Park
- Dog Pile Quilt
- Dog Pile Quilt Pattern
- dog toy
- Double Zip Gear Bags 2.0
- Double Zip Wristlet
- Drawing Stitches Sampler
- dress form
- Dress Pattern
- dressmaking
- Drop Cloth Samplers
- Drop Zone
- Ducks in the Clearing
- Duffle
- Duffle Pattern
- Dylusions
- Ebba
- Eco Vita
- ecovita
- Edible Mushrooms
- eeboo
- eeBoo Puzzles
- Elizabeth Betts
- Elizabeth Hartman
- Elli Elephant
- Embroidery
- embroidery book
- Embroidery Kit
- Embroidery Pattern
- Embroidery: A Modern Guide to Botanical Embroidery
- Emerson Wrap Skirt
- Emily Bailey
- Emma
- Emma Congdon
- Emmaline Bags
- Enchanted Embroidery
- English Green Market
- English Paper Piecing
- Essoldo Design
- Fabric Bins
- Fall In Love Cardigan
- Fat Quarter Christmas
- fat quarter quilt
- Felt Animal Families
- felt embroidery
- Fiberworks Inc
- Fibre
- Field Day Embroidery & Wool Sampler
- Fifi Fox
- figo fabrics
- Firefly Sewing Envelope
- Firefly Tote
- Fleur Woods
- Flipping out
- Floral Designs
- Flower Power
- Flower Power Quilt Pattern
- Flowering Snowball
- Flowering Snowball Quilt Pattern & Template
- Focus on Quilts
- Folk Blooms
- Folk Blooms Quilt Pattern
- folk embroidery
- Folk-Tails
- Foresters Wall
- Foundation Paper Piecing
- Frankie Shift and Top
- Free Motion Embroidery
- Fresh as a Daisy
- Frida Kahlo
- Frida Kahlo Mini Notebooks
- Frida Kahlo Purple Foil Lined Notebook
- Funky Friends Factory
- Fussy Cut
- Fussy Cut Shapes
- Garden of Eden Sq
- Garden Path
- Garden Path Sampler
- Gardenhurst
- Gardenhurst Quilt
- GE Designs
- Gertie Gift Boxes
- Giant Poppins Bag
- Giant Poppins Bag Pattern
- ginger
- Glam Clam Quilt
- Glimmer Quilt Pattern
- Grab Some Grub
- Granny Patch
- Granny Patch Quilt Pattern
- Gregory Gorilla
- Gudrun Erla
- Hampton Court
- Harper Hobby Horse
- Harper Holdall
- Harry & Hound Dogs
- Harry & Miss Kitty
- Hazel Blomkamp
- Heart Clasp Purse
- Heart Ornaments
- Heart Strings
- Heart to Heart Zippered Bag
- Heartspun
- Heather Hippo
- Helena
- Helene Le Berre
- Hex n More Ruler
- Hexagon Clasp Purse Kit
- Hexie Fun
- Hippity-Hop
- Hippity-Hop Easter Bag
- Hippity-Hop Easter Bag Pattern
- Holiday Ornaments
- Homecoming
- Homecoming Quilt Pattern
- Hot & Heavy
- Hummingbirds
- iCases
- Improv Patchwork
- Indigo Dyeing
- Inspirations
- Inspirations Magazine
- Interwoven
- Interwoven quilt pattern
- Irene Blanck
- Janet Goddard
- Janet Goddard and Jemima Shlee
- Japan Blue Indigo Dyeing Techniques
- Jawbreaker Pillow Pattern
- Jaybird Quilts
- jelly roll pattern
- Jemima Flendt
- Jemima Shlee
- Jenny Adin-Christie
- Jessica Sallie Kapitanski
- Jigsaw Puzzle
- Jill Clay
- Jo Avery
- Joan Hawley
- journal
- Journals
- Joyful
- Judy Gauthier
- Jumbo Lazy Angle Ruler
- Kaffe Fassett
- kaffe fassett book
- Kaffe Fassett's Quilts in the Sun
- Kaffe Fassett's Quilts in Wales
- kaleidoscope
- Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern
- Karen Lewis
- kate rebecca leach
- Katie
- Katie Essam
- Kelsey Oseid
- Kira
- Kirsty Neale
- Kitchen Chickens
- kits
- Kitty Crush
- Knitted Star
- Knitted Star Quilt Pattern
- Knot & Thread Design
- Knot and Thread Design
- Koa Press
- Kumiko Fujita
- Laptop Computer Carriers
- Laptop Computer Carriers II
- Larry the Lion
- Latifah Saafir Studios
- Laura Heine
- Laura Heine Pattern
- Laurence Bonnet
- Lavender Kitchen
- Lazy Girl Designs
- Lepidoptera
- Let's Face It
- Let's Face It Pattern
- Lexie
- Lil' Alberta
- Lil' Kira
- Lil' Nellie
- Lil' Stella
- Lisa The Unicorn Pattern
- Little Blooms
- Little Handmade Looms
- Liza Taylor
- Lo & Behold Stitchery
- London Life
- Lotus Quilt Pattern
- Luna Lapin
- Luna Lapin and Friends
- Luna Lapin and Friends: A Year of Making
- Luna Lapin Making New Friends
- lunch bag
- Magical Amsterdam
- Make Your Own Medallion
- Maker's Tote
- Making Luna Lapin
- Margaret Light
- maria Shell
- Marie Vendittelli
- Marketplace in France
- Marrakesh
- Mason Pattern
- May's Wash-Day Daisies
- Meadow Sampler
- Meadowland Quilt
- Meadowland Quilt Pattern
- Meghan Buchanan
- Melanie McNeice
- Melly & Me
- Menders Wardrobe
- Meridan Knit Dress
- Meshing Around
- messenger bag
- Metal & Mixed Media
- Mi Pad Case
- Milky Way Sampler
- Millie
- Mini Arcade Game
- Mini Bondi Top and Dress
- Mini Cinnamon Bun
- Mini Come What May
- Mini Delight Quilt Pattern
- Mini Disco Quilt Pattern
- Mini Giggles Quilt Pattern
- Mini Hex n More Ruler
- Mini Lotus Quilt Pattern
- Mini Macaroon Pouch
- Mini Night Garden PJ Set
- Mini Northern Lights Quilt Pattern
- Mini Off The Rails Quilt Pattern
- mini poppins bag
- Mini quilt
- Mini Radio Way
- Mini Science Fair Quilt Pattern
- mini splash quilt pattern
- Mini Stereo Quilt Pattern
- Mini Tasty
- Mini Tiny Dancer
- Minki Kim
- Mixed Media
- Mixed Media Journal
- MJ's Messenger Bag
- Modern Crewel Embroidery
- Modern Folk Embroidery
- Modern Japanese Embroidery Stitches
- Modern Kogin
- Modern Memory Quilts
- Modern Quilt Bible
- Modernly Morgan
- Monika Forsberg
- More Playful Precut Quilts
- Mosiac Star
- Mosiac Star Quilt Pattern
- Mushroom Rainbow
- Mushrooms
- Mushrooms & Butterflies
- Nancy Nicholson
- needle case pattern
- Needle Cases & Wool Pincushion
- Needle Cases & Wool Pincushion Pattern
- Needle Weaving Techniques for Hand Embroidery
- New arrivals
- New York Beauties & Flying Geese
- Nightingale Quilt Pattern
- Nina
- No Flowers
- No Rain
- Noodlehead
- Noodlehead Firefly Tote
- Noodlehead Range Backpack
- Noodlehead Road Trip Case
- Noodlehead Sandhill Sling Pattern
- Noriko Tsuchihashi
- Northern Lights Quilt Pattern
- Notebook
- Notebook Cover
- Notebooks
- notions
- Nourish
- Nova
- Nova Needlecases
- Nova Star Quilt
- Nova Star Quilt Pattern
- Of A Feather
- On The Go 2.0
- Open Wide 2.0
- Original Embroidery Sampler Kit
- Original Sampler
- Out and About
- Paisley Sampler
- Pansy Pincushion Pattern
- Pansy Sampler
- Paper Pieces
- Paper Piecing
- Paperie
- Parliament Of Owls
- Patchwork Duffle
- Pattern
- pattern making
- patterns
- Peacock Block Pattern
- Peacock Garden
- Pen + Paper Patterns
- Pen and Paper Patterns
- Picnic Sampler
- Pie Embroidery Sampler Kit
- Pie Sampler
- pincushion
- pincushion pattern
- Pincushions Sampler
- Place Mats Pattern
- Plant It
- Plant It Pattern
- Plant Lady
- Pointy
- Poppins Bag
- Poppy Bunny
- Portia Lawrie
- Posy Quilt
- Potty McDotty
- Potty McDotty Quilt Pattern
- pouch
- pouch pattern
- pouches
- Power Trip
- Power Trip Pattern
- Pretty Birds Quilt pattern
- Pretty Patchwork Squeeze Pouch Kit
- Princess in a Pouch
- Project Bags
- Project Bags 2.0
- Punch Needle
- Puppy Dog Pete
- purse
- Puzzle
- Queen of Hearts
- Quick Zip Cases
- Quilt and Pillow Pattern
- quilt book
- quilt pattern
- Rabbit
- Rabbit Toy
- Raff the Giraffe
- Rag Doll
- Rainbow Forest Sampler Quilt and Pillow Pattern
- Rainbow Rainforest
- Rainbow Rainforest Sampler Quilt and Pillow Pattern
- Range Backpack
- Rebecca Ringquist
- Reggie Reindeer
- Renaissance Ribbons Bags
- rico design
- Ring Toss Sampler
- Road Trip
- Road Trip Case
- Room With A View
- Room With A View Pattern
- Rosemary Drysdale
- Round Clasp Pouch Kit
- Round Trip Duffle
- Roxanne
- Royal School of Needlework
- Ruby Star Society
- Running Reds Sampler
- Running Round Market Tote
- running with scissors
- Sale
- Sallie Tomato
- sampler
- Sampler Needlebook
- Sampler Needlebook Pattern
- Sampler Pincushion
- Sandhill Sling Bag Pattern
- Sarah Payne
- Sarah Paynes Applique School
- Sarah Peel
- Sashiko
- Sashikonami
- Sato Watanabe
- Scrappy Pencil Case
- scrappy quilts
- Seagull Garden
- Seahorse
- search press
- See and Sew Mini
- Sensational Quilts for Scrap Lovers
- Seoul Blossom Blouse
- Sequel Sampler
- Set Sail Quilt Pattern
- Sew Maddie
- Sew Mariana
- Sew Retro
- Sew Retro Pattern
- Sew To Grow
- Sew-In Bauble Purse Kit
- sewing machine
- sewing pattern
- Sharon Boggon
- shibori
- Side Hustle
- Sidekick Ruler
- Simply Stitched with Embroidery
- Snack Time Quilt Pattern
- Snuggle Bears
- Soft Sided Fabric Bins
- Soft Toy Pattern
- soft toys
- Speed Racers
- Splash Quilt Pattern
- Spring Fever
- Spring Fever Quilt Pattern
- Spring Fling Sampler
- Squeeze Clasp Glasses Case
- Starlets Quilt
- Starshine
- Stella Skirt
- stereo quilt pattern
- Stick & Stitch
- Still Life with Flowers
- Stitch
- Stitch 50 Birds
- Stitch 50 Dogs
- Stitch Bank
- Strawberry Needle Book
- Strip Burst
- Strip In The Box
- Strip Search
- Stylish Sewing Tote
- sue spargo
- sue spargo pattern
- Summer Blooms Bag
- Sunshine Sampler
- Super Cute Sewing
- supersidekick ruler
- Susan Briscoe
- Susie Johns
- Suzanne Paquette
- Swan Island
- Sweet Pea Pods
- Sweet Stitches
- Syndi Shirt-Dress
- Table Runner
- table topper
- Take A Stand
- Tantalizing Table Toppers
- Tasty Table Runner
- Technicolor Tool Tote
- Teeny Tiny Collage Patterns
- Telescope Pattern
- Ten Years of Magic
- The Archie Backpack
- The Book of Boro
- The Carrot Club
- The Catnip Cats
- The Essential Embroidery Stitches Card Deck
- The Little Book of Basic Embroidery
- The Purse Clasp Book
- The Quilters Field Guide to Color
- The Rainbow Sampler
- The Re Fashion Wardrobe
- The Red Boot Quilt Company
- The Tilda's Characters Collection
- The Truvy Bag
- The Ultimate Sashiko Card Deck
- The Untamed Thread
- The Wonderful World of Rose Minuscule
- The Zipper Pouch Book
- Then Came June
- Tilda
- Tilda's Characters Collection
- Tiny Dancer
- Tiny Town Quilt
- Tiny Town Quilt Pattern
- Tone Finnanger
- Toned-Down Circle Sampler Pattern
- Tools of the Trade
- Tote Bag
- tote pattern
- toymaking
- Trade Winds
- Tranquil Garden Needle Roll
- Travel Bag
- travel duffle
- Travel Duffle Bag 2.1
- Travel Essentials
- Travel Essentials 2.0
- Tray Chic
- Treasures & Trinkets
- Tree Ornament Sampler
- Trifecta Zip Bags
- Tristan & Trixie Triceratops
- Truffle Duffel
- Tula Clip On
- Tula Pink
- Tula Tote
- Two Big Totes
- Ultimate Travel Bag
- Ultimate Travel Bag 2.0
- under cover
- under cover pattern
- Untamed Garden
- Untamed Thread
- Upstairs Downstairs Log Cabin
- Urban Outlook Tote
- Vanessa Bowman
- Vanessa Mooncie
- Victoria Ball
- Vintage Floral Purse
- Viva la Vida
- wallet
- wardrobe embroidery
- watercolour
- weaving
- Weekend Makes Hoop Embroidery
- Weekend Makes: English Paper Piecing
- Weekend Quilting
- Whitework Embroidery
- Wide Open Tube Frame Pouch
- Wild Flower Eye Glasses Case
- Wild Tulip Sac
- wildflowers
- Wildflowers Pattern
- William Morris
- William Morris Notebook
- William Morris Pocket Notebook Collection
- William Morris Wallflower Artisan Art Blank Notebook
- wire frame carry case
- Wire Frame Cosmetic Case Kit
- Wonderful World of Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks
- Wonton Quilt Pattern
- Woodland Creatures
- Woof Pack
- wool felt
- wool felt applique
- yarrow
- Yarrow Wristlet & Pouch Pattern
- Yo Yo Sampler
- Yumiko Higuchi
- Zakka Wool Applique
- Zakka Workshop
- Zinnia Zip Bag Pattern
- Zip It Up 2.0
- zipper pouch
- zippered bag
- zippered case
- zippered pouch
- Zippy
- zoey zips
- Zweigart
- Zweigart Punch Needle Booklet
- Featured
- Price, low to high
- Price, high to low
- Alphabetically, A-Z
- Alphabetically, Z-A
- Date, old to new
- Date, new to old
- Best Selling
- Aleene's Original
- Alison Glass
- Amy Kallissa
- Andover
- Art Foamies
- Aunties Two Patterns
- Aurifil
- Beverly McCullough
- Black Mountain Needleworks
- Bohin
- Bosal
- Bostik
- Bowerbird
- BowerBirdNZ
- Brewer
- C&T Publishing
- Callie Del
- Clothworks
- Clover
- CM Designs
- Colour Streams
- Cosmo Textile Co Ltd
- Cottage Garden Threads
- Creative Grids
- Cut Loose Press
- Cute As
- David and Charles
- Daylight
- Dear Stella
- Decorating Diva
- Derwent
- Dina Wakley
- Dritz
- Drop Cloth Samplers
- Dylusions
- eeBoo
- Elizabeth Hartman
- Emmaline Bags
- Fableism
- Fabriano
- Fabric Creations
- Fiberworks Inc
- Figo
- Figo Fabrics
- Flame Tree Publishing
- Focus on Quilts
- Folk Art
- FreeSpirit
- Funky Friends Factory
- GE Designs
- Gelli Arts
- Gingher
- GMC Books
- HeatnBond
- Helmar
- House of Embroidery
- House of Textile Arts
- In The Beginning Fabrics
- Inspirations
- Iron Orchid Designs
- It's Sew Emma
- Jacquard
- Jasart
- Jaybird Quilts
- John Rainger
- Kaffe Fassett
- Kai
- Karen Kay Buckley
- Kimberbell
- Knot & Thread Design
- Koa Press
- Kwik Knit
- Kylie and the Machine
- Landauer Publishing
- Latifah Saafir Studios
- Lazy Girl Designs
- Letter It
- Liberty
- Liquid Pearls
- Liquitex
- Lo & Behold Stitchery
- Lori Holt
- Lucky Spools
- Madeira
- Makower UK
- Marvy
- Matilda's Own
- Micron
- Mod Podge
- Moda
- Modernly Morgan
- National Nonwovens
- Nifty Notions
- Noodlehead
- Northcott
- Not specified
- Nurge
- Nutex
- Odif
- Old Made Quilts
- Olympus
- P&B Textiles
- Paper Pieces
- Pellon
- Pen and Paper Patterns
- Piecemaker Needles
- Precision Quilting
- Primitive Gatherings
- Princess in a Pouch
- Q H Textiles
- Quilters Paradise
- Ranger
- Reeves
- Renaissance Ribbons
- Rico Design
- Riley Blake
- Robert Kaufman
- Roxanne
- Ruby Star Society
- Sakura Gelly Roll
- Sallie Tomato
- Sarah Hearts
- Schmetz
- Sculpey
- Seam Fix
- Search Press
- Sevenberry
- Sew To Grow
- Sewline
- Simon Hurley Create
- Simplicity
- Soak
- Sohmo
- Springs Creative
- Stampers Anonymous
- stash books
- Steam-A-Seam
- Sue Daley Designs
- Sue Spargo
- Sulky
- Taunton Press
- Taylor Seville Originals
- The Artisan Company
- The Gypsy Quilter
- The Red Boot Quilt Company
- Then Came June
- Tikitibu
- Tilda
- Tim Holtz
- Tombow
- Tonic Studio
- Traditional Primitives
- Trendy Trims
- Tula Pink Collection
- Tuttle Publishing
- Uni Posca Marker
- Visage Textiles
- Wilmington Prints
- Windham Fabrics
- Winsor & Newton
- Wonderfil
- Wright & Co
- Writers Digest
- Zakka Workshop
- Zweigart